About Us

Chengetedzai Depository Company Limited is a limited liability company incorporated in terms of the laws of Zimbabwe and was formed to establish and operate a central securities depository for the Zimbabwe securities industry.

Our Vision


To be the preeminent central securities depository in Africa.

Our Mission


To be the centre of and catalyst to continuous change and innovation in the Zimbabwean capital market, whilst engendering confidence and trust.



Chengetedzai Depository Company Limited is a limited liability company incorporated in terms of the laws of Zimbabwe and was formed to establish and operate a central securities depository for the Zimbabwe securities industry. Chengetedzai won the right to establish the first Central Securities Depository (“CSD”) company in Zimbabwe on 27 December 2010 in a public tender from the Securities Commission of Zimbabwe.

A CSD is a company that operates an electronic book entry system to record and maintain securities and to register their transfer. Securities are maintained in electronic form in the investor’s account just like how money is kept in the form of electronic credits in any bank account. In a CSD system, ownership will be changed as soon as securities move from one investor account to another. The system is purely a settlement vehicle for transactions that have been traded on a registered securities exchange.


  • Innovation
  • Integrity
  • Reliability
  • Teamwork
  • Accountability

Strategic Objectives

  • To create shareholder value
  • To be a learning organisation
  • To provide the ultimate customer experience
  • To foster capital market development in Zimbabwe

Corporate Governance


Chengetedzai Depository Company Limited is a company that is committed to good corporate governance. We seek to realize our business objectives in a manner which is responsible and consistent with our values of honesty, transparency and responsibility. We regard corporate governance not simply as an exercise in conformity, but as a key factor in the foundation of sustainable, long term growth of our business.

The Board’s principal role is to provide the leadership necessary to promote the success of the company within the context of an effective framework of authority and accountability that promotes talent, innovation and best practice, while managing and mitigating risk. The Board will regularly review opportunities to grow the business. The Board will consider the industry trends and the outlook for the Group’s business in strategy.